Archive for Destiny 2 Hands On

Destiny 2 Update

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , , on November 8, 2022 by getbent57

Have made two posts now talking about getting back into Destiny 2.  Well have stopped playing.  It became very unfun very quickly.  After many hours it seemed like I wasn’t making an progress or unlocking any better gear/loot.  The last straw was a mission that wouldn’t end.  It kept telling me to draw out the bad guy and them take him out.  Did that many times over a half hour.  The game seemed to be stuck in loop.  So, just shut the game off and the uninstalled it.  There are much better games out there to play.

Destiny 2

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , , on November 4, 2022 by getbent57

Have put in a bit of time in Destiny 2.  There is a lot going on in this game and it can be very confusing.  Like most games it starts you off with a how to play part.  However if you shut the game off.  Then load it up again it puts you into a different story mission.  Which is not part of the opening tutorial stuff.   This happened twice.  Until if figured out how to get back to the beginning missions.  Then there is the menu systems.  There is a lot to look and got though.  Most of which I have know idea what to it for.   So just have been doing some random stuff.  The gameplay is nice and smooth.  Not sure if I will keep playing yet.

Destiny 2

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , , on October 23, 2022 by getbent57

It has been about four years since I have played Destiny 2.  Well the other night decided I should update the game file and give it a try.  So went highlighted the icon on my PS4 and chose update game file.  This was out 16GB.  Not a big deal since how many years have passed since I played.  When that was done.  Started the game.  Then there was more stuff to download.  There were three content packs. Where were about 16 or more GB each.  Let those download and install over night.  Then next day started the game and there was another download.  Thankfully it was small.  After all that got to play the game.

Destiny 2 Hands On

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 30, 2018 by getbent57

Played the open beta for Destiny 2 when it was out last summer (July 2017).  Back then like the smooth movement but it was very boring to play.  Felt very generic.  Well gave it another try now that is one of the free game for PlayStation Plus members (September 2018).  The open levels of the game are the same from the beta.  Forced myself thought that again.  Wanted to see what happens after that.  Once you get passed that the game becomes much better.  Only played about three story missions and one public event.  Must say this was very fun.  Think I will be keep playing it.  Well until Red Dead is out.  If you are a PS Plus member and have the hard drive space (80 GB’s or so) it’s well worth the download.