Archive for The Walking Dead: The Complete Season 5

The Walking Dead: The Complete Fifth Season

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , , , , , on August 22, 2015 by getbent57

The_Walking_Dead_Season_5_Blu-rayEvery August, near the end the Blu-ray/DVD comes out for the The Walking Dead.  This year is know different.  On August 25, 2015 The Complete Fifth season will be out.  Much like other seasons there will be a few different versions.  There will be the DVD box set.  As well as the stranded Blu-ray set.  Then there is the special edition Lenticular Card cover Blu-ray.  Then there is the special edition Blu-ray what comes with a Funko Mini.  Of course that version is more money.  Just not sure if the extra money is worth the mini figure.  Just might buy that but then again I just have the plain version for the past season.  Can’t wait to re-watch season five over again because it was very awesome.