Archive for GTA Online Hours Played

Grand Theft Auto Online New Missions

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 29, 2020 by getbent57

Rockstar Games have added a lot of content to GTA Online over the years.  They have add some more again but this time it’s a bit different.  Most of the content is tied to buying something to unlock new missions.  This time they add six missions which anyone can play.   They are unlock right way for new players.  They can be played solo or with three others.  This is great news.  They are called Gerald’s Last Play.  As of typing this, tired three of theses mission.  The first two had fun and had no trouble.  The third I failed.  Just need to find the best way to play that one.  Plan to try the other three when I get a chance.  If it has been awhile since you last played GTA Online.  You might want to give these missions a try.

Grand Theft Auto V/Online

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , , , on February 7, 2020 by getbent57

Back in 2013 bought a copy of Grand Theft Auto V for my PS3 day one.  Put a lot of hours into and then even more then the online was out.  Then in 2015 bought the game again for the PS4.  Mostly to play online with friends.  Racked up hundreds of hours over the past five years with PS4 version.  While I don’t play it as much any more.  Still fun to got back to every now again.  That is because they are all ways adding stuff.  All so give way money and in games items. Jumped back in last week and this because they are/were giving away a million GTA dollars each week.  Couldn’t pass that up.  Think I will buy the flying motorcycle thing with the money.

Five Years Of Grand Theft Auto V

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 17, 2018 by getbent57

It was five years ago today (September 17, 2013) that Grand Theft Auto V was out.  Can still remember going over on my lunch break to get a copy for my PS3.  Finished the game and played about hundred hours or so in GTA Online.  Then in 2015 bought the game again when it came to the PlayStation 4.  Didn’t play a lot of the main story.  Mostly bought it to play Online with friends.  To this day still play it.  Many take weekly or monthly breaks from the game.  But still go back to it.  That is because they are all ways adding stuff.   The last time I checked have about 610 hours into the Online mode.  That is by far the most hours I have put into any game.  Can’t see myself never going back to it.  Sure Red Dead Redemption 2 is all most here.  That will have an online part as well.  Don’t know anything about it yet.  If is is good as GTA Online just playing with friends it will be a blast.

Grand Theft Auto Online Hours Played

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 22, 2017 by getbent57

Has been a year since I looked at how many hours I have played in Grand Theft Auto Online.  In the post from last August (2016).  Had played 327 hours and was level 147.   As I am typing this (August 19, 2017) have played 433 hours and am level 173.  Is is by far the most I have played any game.  This is mostly because it’s fun but all so can play with friends.  We setup a map where it is only us hanging out and playing missions.  The online portion of the game will four years old this October.  They are all ways adding stuff.  So don’t think this game will be going offline any time in the near future.

Grand Theft Auto Online Hours Played

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 22, 2016 by getbent57

GTAOnline.jpgHave made a few post in the past talking about the hours I have played in Grand Theft Auto Online.  Making another one because.  Have played a little over 327 hours and am level 147.  That is a lot.  The best part was never bored once during that time.  Mostly because they are all ways adding new content.  So it makes it easier to set news goals at getting a new car or some thing else’s.  The last time I played they had a sale on the Buzzard helicopter for 50% off.  Was convicted by my brother to by it since we play this game a lot with me.  We all ways have a blast.  Now we can blow stuff up with the Buzzard.

Grand Theft Auto Online Hours Played

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 9, 2016 by getbent57

GTAOnline.jpgOver the years there only been a hand full of games that I managed to play over 100 hours.  Two that I can think of off the top of my head are The Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Dark Cloud.   Am sure there are other.  What I get at is.  A few day back while playing some Grand Theft Auto Online with a few people.  Wonder how many hours I have played.  I know it would have to be a lot.  Since every time there is new content I play.  All so my bother and once played for six hours straight.   Wanted to know so login to the Rockstar Games Social Club to see.  Was a bit shocked to see the number, 278 hours 25 minutes.  Well that by far is the most hours I have put into any game.   Am sure I will be putting many more into it as well.  Think I will make another post next year see more many more hours I put in this year.  If you never played it give it a shot.  I know it can be annoying to play with strangers.  However it’s a blast to play with friends.