Archive for January 6, 2018

Game Of Thrones Season Eight News

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , , on January 6, 2018 by getbent57

There was been some rumors about the last season, season eight, of Game of Thrones would not air until 2019.  Well turns out this rumor was true.  On January 4, 2017 HBO put a blog post saying the show will return for a six episode run in 2019.  While this news sucks.  All so think it is a good thing at the same time.  It gives them lots of time to make the most epic episodes.  Have all so read that these episodes will be much longer than the others.  Some saying 80 minutes or more.  That would be cool if its true.  While we wait for a long time.  It will give all the fans lots of time to re-watch or re-read/read the books.  You can read the official blog post > here.