Archive for January 15, 2018

2018 Royal Rumble

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , on January 15, 2018 by getbent57

Royal_RumbleHave not watched wresting or WWE in a long time.  But do check out their website every week to see what is going on.  They seem to have a PPV every three weeks now.  So there is no real build up any more.  That being said there are still the big two they do I have to watch WrestleMania and the Royal Rumble.  This years (2018) Royal Rumble will be a bit different from past years because it will have the first every 30 person Women’s Rumble.  This should be good.  The only question I have is there 30 women in the WWE?  I know in past Rumbles they would have “filler” guys.  Like surprise guests and older/retired wresters.  I guess we will find out soon.   This is set to be on PPV/WWE Network January 28, 2018.