Archive for Tycka 204 LED

Lume Cube Panel Mini

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on May 30, 2020 by getbent57

Lume_Cube_Panel_MiniHave made a new posts talking about getting another LED light panel.  Right now I just have one Tycka LED light panel model TK204.  Very happy with it and it works great.  Would like a second light because when making videos the one light can leave a lot of shadows.  This is when I am talking about the Lume Cube Panel Mini.  They have been making a bunch of small lights for years.  This one stands out for it’s size and features.  It is about the size of credit card, just a bit thicker.  All so has a built in screen. Which shows off your colour temperature and battery level.  It cost $60.00 US.  So am guess it would be about $100.00 Canadian. Going to look into it more.

LED Lighting Panel

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , , , , on April 20, 2020 by getbent57

It was back in 2018 I bought a Tycka LED light panel model TK204.  Have used it a bunch of time making videos.  Very happy with.  The one downsize is I only have one.  This creates shadows.  Thinking about getting a second one.  Seen that Elgato has some a really nice one called Key Light Air.   Then I seen the price, $200.00 US.  I could buy a bunch of the cheaper ones for that price.  Think once all the world wide heath troubles go way.  Going to order a second light and a tripod.

Tycka Camera 204 LED Lighting Panel Tested

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , , , , on October 3, 2018 by getbent57

A few posts back talked about the Tycka LED light panel model TK204 I ordered and tried out.  Well the other day got around to using in a video I am working on. It was very easy to attach to the top of my camera.  Was shooting up close.  So it made the items look really good.  All so in the last post talked about having to learn about White Balancing.  Did that and it pretty easy to do.  The only thing in you need this special white balancing cards.  They come in white and gray.  Most times the come in a set.  Took a look on and there are lots to choose from.  Most with a half decent price.  Will have to had one to my next Amazon order.  Back to the light.  Dialed it in best I could.  Think this video and every one after it will look much better having this light.  So far well worth the money.

Tycka Camera 204 LED Lighting Panel Hands On

Posted in Just something to say, Pictures with tags , , , , , , , on September 25, 2018 by getbent57

The Tycka LED light panel model TK204 I ordered came in the mail the other day.  Took it out of the box and put the battery in.  There was good amount of charge left in it.  Turned it on.  Tested out the colour temperature and dimmer knobs.  Was very impressed on how well it worked. It comes with three accessories for mounting.  The next video project I work on will be using this light.  However first I must learn about White Balancing.


Tycka Camera 204 LED Lighting Panel

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , , on September 22, 2018 by getbent57

Tycka_Camera_204 _LED_Lighting_PanelHave mentioned in some past posts that I am working on a new project.  Which is making videos for YouTube.  One the areas I was lacking in, is lighting.  Didn’t need anything too fancy or big.   Will be mostly filming things up close .  Did some searching around into what would work best for my needs and budget.  Come across a light by the company Tycka.  They sell camera related stuff.  The light is this small battery power LED light panel.  It is designed to fit in a hot shoe on your camera, a tripod or stand on its own base.  It is the model TK204.  There is a cheaper model but it doesn’t come with a battery.  Ordered it off  Should be here some time next week.  Will be back with pictures.