Archive for Green Lantern: First Flight Review

Green Lantern: First Flight Review

Posted in Review's with tags , , , , on July 28, 2009 by getbent57

greenlantern_thumb.jpgI picked up Green Lantern: First Flight today (July 28, 2009).  This is an awesome movie.  This is the first all Green Lantern movie.  So I was thinking it would be all about the Hal Jordan becomes a Lantern.  Well I was wrong.  They pretty much cut to the chase.  They only take a few minutes to show how he got his ring.  The story is more about how Sinestro becomes a bad guy.  The animation like the other DC Universe movies is top notch.

If you are not into comic books or comic book inspired movies you will most not like get into this one.  But for ever one else this is awesome.  If you are a fan buy it.  The rest go give it a rent.  You will not be disappointed.

5 out of 5 GT (GT = Good Times)