Archive for BioShock Infinite

BioShock Infinite

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , , on October 7, 2017 by getbent57

A few post back talked about picking up a copy of the BioShock: The Collection.  The game I wanted to play most is BioShock Infinite.  Not sure how far I am into the game.  May be less then half way.  Have enjoyed every minute so far.  It looks really good and the controls are nice and smooth.  The story is interesting.  There is a lot going on but yet simple at the same time.  Then there is the whole mystery aspect.   Each new location you go to has something different about it.  Have look at what is in every corner.  So far the price was well worth it just for this game.  There are the first two play as well.

BioShock: The Collection

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , , , , , , on September 30, 2017 by getbent57

BioShock_The_CollectionA few weeks ago made a post talking about up coming games and ones that are all ready out.  Of which I would like to get.  Well I can take one of the list, BioShock: The Collection.  Walmart had it on for a good price, only $30.00.  This is a really good deal.  You get all three games plus all the single player DLC for each.  Only every tried the first game for a little bit on a friends 360.  The main reason for buying this is to play the third game, BioShock Infinite.  Years ago when this for was out was blown way how awesome it looked.  It was first out in August 2013.  Never got around playing it until now.  So far only played the first part of the game.  Must say it plays just as awesome as it looks.