Archive for January 29, 2014

Middle-earth: Shadow Of Mordor

Posted in Just something to say, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , on January 29, 2014 by getbent57

2D Boxshot Wizard v1.1There is yet another cool looking game coming out some time in the future I want to talking.  It is called Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor.  This looks like we will finely get a great Lord of the Rings game.  Most time Lord of the Rings games are just ok or very bad movie tie-ins.  This game how ever has it own back story and lead characters.  It is set take place between the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings.  Check out a game play video > here or below.  The game does look very fun.  They have mixed in some Assassin’s Creed and Batman Arkham elements.  Not sure when it will be out.  Let another game to keep my eye on.