Archive for 18th Atlantic Regional H.O.G. Rally

18th Atlantic Regional H.O.G. Rally

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , on July 22, 2008 by getbent57

07102007343 This past weekend or so (July 16-20th) was the 18th Atlantic Regional H.O.G rally.  Which took place in Cape Breton this year.  Ok, first off I don’t ride a Harley.  I ride a Yamaha XT225.   So  here is a funny story.  I was on my way into town to hand out with some friends and check out some of the rally events.  As I was riding in, six Harley’s pasted by me in the out side lane.  Then they had to slow down for cars turning.  I passed them.  They they crack the pipes as they pass me again.  They kept doing this every time they had to slow down.  Each time they would look over at an crack there pipes.  Funny has hell.  The best part is I got there before they did. LOL.

There would be some pictures, but I forgot my camera.