Archive for May 9, 2012

Butterscotch Pie

Posted in Just something to say with tags , , , on May 9, 2012 by getbent57

ButterscotchPie Bear with me this post is a bit of a rant.  First off the only pie I like is butterscotch (has to be cold).  My mother and aunt make the best butterscotch pie ever.  If fact I have dreams about it (sad but true).   Well have not had one in a very long time.  We decided to top in at a local bakery and buy one.  Have not been that disappointed in such a long time.  Could not eat it, tasted terrible.  Wasn’t even real butterscotch.  It was instant pudding mix with whip cream on top.  They must have used the cheapest powered mix they could buy.  Can’t describe how bad it tasted.  Threw my piece away.  My father was only one to eat it.  He didn’t even like it, just doesn’t like to throw stuff way.   Just have to start making my own pies I guess.