Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Batman_Teenage_Mutant_Ninja_TurtlesTwo of my favourite comic book heroes are teaming up, Batman and The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Read about this back in June (2015).  There wasn’t much info back then.   However here now is.  DC and IDW are putting together this crossover.  The story will take place in Gotham.  Where Batman will discover there are ninjas in town, The Foot.  That is were the Turtles come into play.  Because they are on their trail.  You might be asking how can this happen.  Like most Turtle stories there will be dimensional travel.  Issue one goes on sale December 9, 2015 and will be 32 pages.  You can read more about it > here.  Am very interested in checking this out.  Think I will be wait for the trade paperback to come out.

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